Test Description Minimum Sample Requirements
Rock Testing – (ISRM and Australian Standards)
Unconfined Compression Testing / Sound Velocity Testing L/D ≥ 2.5 (min.)
Hoek Triaxial Testing L/D ≥ 2 (min.)
Direct Shear Testing ‘ Saw Cut’ / Reverse Shear (Rock Joints) Length > 50mm
Direct Shear Testing / Reverse Shear (Intact Rock) Length > 50mm (sample must have distinct bedding orientation)
Indirect Tensile Strength (Brazilian) Length > 0.5 x Diameter
AE/DRA Testing Max. 4 breaks per meter of core with preferably minimal structures / Min. NQ size / core require at least 0.5 - 1 metre for one set of
Full Stress Tensor Measurement / Dip/Ori of borehole
Test Description Minimum Sample Requirements
Soil Testing (Australian Standards & ASTM)
Atterberg Limits / Classification of Soils Clay: 250g & Sandy Clay: 350g
Grain Size Distribution Clay: 300g & Sand: 500g
CU, CD & UU Triaxial Testing Length > 2 x Diameter
True Triaxial Testing Length > 60mm & Diameter > 50mm (min.)
Direct Shear Testing / Reverse Shear Length > 50mm
Unsaturated Soil/Pastefill Testing Please discuss with Lab Geotech
Ring Test Length > 50mm & Diameter > 60mm (or 1200g)

*L = Length, D = Diameter
Destroyed soil/clay samples can be re-invented to in-situ conditions and tested (K0 or Ka Consolidation Applies)



Core Size Capabilities (diameter):
NQ - 50.6mm
NX - 54.0mm
NTW - 56.0mm
HQ - 63.5mm & (HQ3)
PQ - 85.0mm & (PQ3)


Protection against Moisture Loss & Damage during Transportation
To prevent moisture loss, seal rock and soil/clay samples in air-tight plastic wraps. Apply a second layer of aluminium foil around the outside of the plastic wrap. Cover the wrapped sample with another layer of
bubble wrap, or a material that can withstand some external impact. Typically samples are then placed in a PVC split and placed in core tray one size up to accommodate the wrapped core. Please ensure that
samples are placed in a cool area away from direct sunlight.

Labelling Samples
In order to effectively gather the correct data and save valuable time, the following procedure is recommended for labelling samples:

1)    Place a sample tag (water resistant) within the air-tight plastic seal
2)    Place sample tag on the PVC split pipe protecting the sample and label pipe using permanent marker

3)    Provide photos of each sample taken with details on type of test required, depth at which sample is taken and place ruler next to sample for approximate measurements (at time of taking sample)

Test Turn-around and Scheduling
E-Precision Laboratory takes into consideration the need for accurate and reliable results that is not compromised by an extended turn-around time delaying schedules for the client. Hence, all testing projects received typically have results delivered to the client within one to four (1-4) weeks of receiving the official documentation indicating what test/tests are required on each sample; or otherwise a time-frame pre-agreed to with the client.